Organized Village of Kake Logo in white, featuring formline art.

Strengthen Tribal Community and Culture

Respect | Collaboration | Endurance | Safety | Security 

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Who We Are

The Organized Village of Kake is a sovereign tribal government that has a special relationship with the U.S. government to advocate for resources which support our community with programs such as social services, higher education and so forth. We work with both the City of Kake, the local government that maintains community services, emergency services and public works, as well as Kake Tribal Corporation, who serves their shareholders as a for-profit organization focusing on their financial security. Together, we all play different parts in helping to take care of our community. 
Joel, Dawn and Liz stand smiling and holding Cedar bark.

Our Goals

Quality of Life

Enhance the quality of life of Tribal Members through economic enterprises and social programs.


Preserve and sustain cultural traditions.


Advocate for the protection and preservation of customary and traditional areas and gathering practices important to our subsistence activities.

Explore the Services We Offer

There are a number of services that the Organized Village of Kake offers to our Tribal Members as well as our community. Please don't hesitate to contact us for more information regarding any of our programs.

Education & Employment

Fund higher education. Get vocational training. Find career opportunities.

Social Services

Receive financial assistance. Protect women’s safety. End substance abuse.

Land & Resources

Steward our lands. Preserve tribal history. Defend the environment.